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About RaQuest Version 2.4


RaQuest 2.4 was released on 13th June, 2007. Needless to say, all current RaQuest users can upgrade to RaQuest 2.4 without any cost. Registered user can download it from download page for registered user.
You can download 30 days trial version from download page.

If you have any question or advice, please contact our support team from Support page.

Additional features of version 2.4

Feature 1. multiple launch feature
Feature 2. feature to configure type and status of requirement
Feature 3. feature to color status of each project
Feature 4. feature related to Relationship Map
Feature 5. list of update log and assigned members
Feature 6. feature to provide ID for each package and to reassign ID
Feature 7. feature to obtain the number of status for each package
Feature 8. feature to add options and to separate project option from local option

Additional features description

Feature 1. multiple launch feature

You are allowed to launch multiple RaQuests and open separate project files at the same time. This gives usefulness when you use several project files.

Feature 2. feature to configure type and status of requirement

You are allowed to configure type and status of requirement which you could configure only by Enterprise Architect previously, as you see in fig.2-1 and fig.2-2. Moreover, the order of options has been changed into the order specified here to improve operability.

fig.2-1 requirement typefig.2-1 requirement type fig.2-2 requirement statusfig.2-2 requirement status

Feature 3. feature to color status of each project

The color configured in the screen of feature 2 is used to display requirement of list as fig.3 to enhance expressiveness.


Feature 4. feature related to Relationship Map

You are allowed to perform the following operations against Relationship Map. It gives you expressiveness and operability more.
  • Configuration of layout direction
    You can select not only right-expanded form (fig.4-1) in the version before 2.3, but below-expanded form (fig.4-2) or above-expanded form (fig.4-3) or left-expanded form (fig.4-4).
  • Configuration of display position
    You can display Relationship Map in the list as you see fig.4-5.
  • Coloring requirements according to status
    The color configured by feature 2 is used as well as feature 3, and requirement of Relationship Map is also displayed. (fig.4-6)
  • Copy to clipboard and save in file.
    You are allowed to copy the Relationship Map displayed and save it into file. (fig.4-7)

fig.4-1fig.4-1 fig.4-2fig.4-2 fig.4-3fig.4-3 fig.4-4fig.4-4 fig.4-5fig.4-5 fig.4-6fig.4-6 fig.4-7fig.4-7

Feature 5. list of update log and assigned members

Lists of update log and assigned members are added as you see in fig.5-1 and fig.5-2 to enhance the convenience.

fig.5-1fig.5-1 fig.5-2fig.5-2

Feature 6. feature to provide ID for each package and to reassign ID

You can configure assigned number of ID under the specified package to differentiate from the number of whole to improve the convenience. In doing so, reassignment of ID is performed. (You cannot customize the rule for reassignment.)


Feature 7. feature to obtain the number of status for each package

You are allowed to obtain the number of status of specified package. It also gives you improved usefulness.

Feature 8. feature to add options and to separate project option from local option

The option settable for every project and the option settable for every local machine have been separated like fig.8-1 and fig.8-2, to enhance the convenience.

fig.8-1 Project Optionsfig.8-1 Project Options fig.8-2 Local Optionsfig.8-2 Local Options

Related information

You can see the information related to RaQuest in the following page.

Should you have any suggestions or comments, please contact our support team from Support page.

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